Elixir learnings - 2020 week 8

February 17, 2020



Disabling tests with a @tag :skip

I've worked in systems where you can specify different groups of test. For example the last place I worked allowed you to mark a test around the specific domain, whether or not it was an integration test or a unit test as well as whether or not it was a historically slow test. It turns out that ExUnit has tagging support built right into it.

I was curious to see if I could target specific groups of tests. Particularly I wanted to exclude some tests that have been flaky. This is natively suppored in ExUnit.

To do so first find your test that you want to exclude.

defmodule App.ExampleTest do
  test "Some flaky test" do
    # ...

Add @tag :skip above the test.

defmodule App.ExampleTest do
  @tag :skip
  test "Some flaky test" do
    # ...

Running mix test at this point wouldn't cause the test to be excluded. You need to make one more change. Go to test/test_helper.exs and then update the ExUnit.start to pass in an exclude argument.

# test/test_helper.exs
# Exclude tests with @tag :skip
ExUnit.start(exclude: [:skip])

As it turns out ExUnit.start/1 accepts the same arguments that ExUnit.configure/1 takes.


  1. Case templates
  2. Disabling tests with tags
  3. ExUnit.start/1 docs
  4. ExUnit.configure/1 docs

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